Monday, January 29, 2007

dog tired!

anything else mom?
or is this enough chores for the day?

oh no you din't you din't just say you did this job Gilbert!

now can I just sleep?
no more mom no more laundry please.


Jake said...

You poor boy, did your mom really make you do all that laundry?! I do nothing around here but eat, chase my kids around, and snooze. Oh yeah, and chew pigs ears! The most work I ever do is search the floor for stray crumbs, and occasionally lick a boo boo or wash a dirty face.

Phoebe said...

folding the laundry is a great job! because the clothes make a good spot to curl up for a nap.

Unknown said...

Hey, you seem so tired. Its gud that you are taking some nap out there.

hey and just check this out pet ecards

Günter said...

Hi Sydney

Seems like you are doing a great job - even though I don't think you get paid..

My mum and dad think you have a really pretty face Sydney. Great looks!

Take care,

Luna und Luzie said...

Good photos. Good dog. You are looking tired.

Sherman said...

Clothes always make a good pillow. Mom's always give you chores when they see your just lounging.